Book Now rates valid until Mar 15, 2025, valid on air inclusive packages only.
The overall activity level of this tour is a level 2. This means you like a balanced approach to travel. Walking two to three miles over the course of a day is no problem for you. You can partake in a two-hour leisurely walking tour, covering up to two miles (with included breaks). You can handle a variety of terrains, from cobblestone streets to moderate hills with relative ease and without assistance. You can climb two flights of stairs with ease. There may be 1 to 2 days on this tour when walking tours can cover 3 to 4 miles over uneven terrain. Expect some full days balanced with free time to recharge or set out on your own adventure. You can handle altitudes up to 6,000 feet. While this level is appropriate for travellers that require mobility assistance devices, there could be times when you may have to sit out on some of the included activities.
To kiss the Blarney Stone, you will have to walk up 128 narrow steps to the top, and back down again.
If you require any special assistance while on tour, please make us aware at time of reservation so the necessary request form can be sent to your attention.
Days of features are interchangeable.
The Cliffs of Moher can be very windy at the top.
*Jaunting car ride is weather permitting.
Hotel rooms may be small by comparison to other countries and older properties may not have air conditioning.
Single accommodations are limited and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Single rate subject to change based on availability.
To complete your tour, we include roundtrip airport-to-hotel transfers when purchasing our airfare with your tour. If you have arranged for your own air, we are pleased to provide you the option of purchasing these transfers. Please note that all transfers will leave at pre-scheduled times.
Due to flight schedules, you may require an early morning departure from your hotel.
For air-inclusive reservations, the name provided at time of booking must match your government-issued ID that will be used during travel. Name changes are subject to penalties.
Air passengers will arrive into and depart from Dublin airport. All transfers will arrive into and depart from Dublin airport.
Please be advised many airlines do not provide advance seat assignments until check-in at the airport. Advance seating will be subject to the airline’s terms and conditions.
Documentation is required by foreign governments for all trips outside Canada. You should visit Global Affairs Canada at for general information about passports and visa requirements. Some countries require a visa in addition to a valid passport for entry, so it is important that you check with the appropriate foreign consulate or embassy for specific entry requirements and details you need to know regarding how and when to obtain the visa. Please remember the possession of valid passports and necessary visas are the responsibility of each client/passenger. If you would like assistance in ensuring you have the proper visa(s) for your trip outside of Canada, we would be happy to refer you to a company that can assist you.
We strongly recommend that you have a valid passport (with seven-month validity) for all travel outside Canada.
Please be advised transit visas may be required if connecting through a country on route to your final destination.
When travelling outside Canada, health insurance is required. Contact your booking agent for more details.
There may be different living standards and practices and different standards and conditions with respect to the provision of services and accommodations outside of Canada.
Economy air rate and schedule are applicable for groups of 10 or more travelling on the same flights and dates.
A deposit of $698 per person is due upon reservation. Reservations are made on a first come, first served basis. Reservations made after the seat reduction date of March 08, 2025 are based upon availability. Final payment due by June 16, 2025. Deposits are refundable up until March 15, 2025.
BC Reg. #23337; Travel Industry Council of Ontario Reg. # 3206405